August 8th, 2012
Limitless Review:
Limitless is the type of film that grabs you and does not let go.
The premise is quite entertaining, it goes like this: a writer who suffers from
massive writer’s block is giving the secret to unlocking all of his brain
potential. The movie takes this premise and hits the ground running.
This is the movie that proves Bradley Cooper to the world. Before
this he was a pretty face in comedic films like the Hangover and Wedding
Crashers. Limitless changes that. Cooper proves his worth as an actor to the
world; he is a great actor, but not only that, he is an entertaining actor. Not
all actors can combine the two great qualities and combine them into one, but
Cooper can. He truly shows the signs of an addiction to a drug that makes you
smarter and more powerful. Other than that, Robert de Niro gives a good
performance as a Wall Street big-shot who Cooper’s character goes through to
reach the top. I loved the ending scene, where De Niro tells Cooper that he is
a bad enemy to have, and Cooper tells him that there is no scenario that he
won’t come out on top. Abby Cornish plays the girlfriend character, nothing new
from her, and there is a Mafia bad guy who is ok but nothing special. By far
Cooper blows this category out of the park.
Limitless has a great idea for a plot. It is obviously about
addictive drugs, but it does not let that bog it down. LZT is something that
any of us would want, a pill that makes us invincible in both mind and body. I
think that the best part of this movie is when Cooper has first started to take
the pill and is starting to gain power. There are many vibrant colors and it
moves quick, so watch carefully. The idea that the pill is addictive is good as
well. It presents a plot point that could just as easily become an annoying
metaphor for drugs, but it doesn’t and it uses it to its advantage fully. There
are a couple of plot points that don’t work quite as well, such as the mafia
character becoming addicted to LZT, but these problems are very small and do
move to form the climax.
This movie, for all of the good plot points, is extremely
entertaining. Movies, like actors, have to prove on two levels, entertainment
and plot. It must have a good plot and be entertaining to be considered one of
the best. The colors used in this film are very vibrant, especially in the
zooming around the city scenes and the scene in the Caribbean. Bradley
Cooper is funny in his role as well, and the main progression of the story
works so well, I have no complaints. There is only one complaint I have in this
category, and that is that it didn’t flesh out the girlfriend enough. They
should have made her get addicted to the drug as well, leading to her death, to
make the film more tragic. However, with all of the other plot points, this is
a very small complaint.
Limitless is the film that proves Bradley Cooper is an actor to
watch. It bolsters a great plot and some
great performances and good characters. The idea of a drug that can unlock the
secrets of your brain is one of the most interesting concepts of this year. I
would say that this film is a great one, it has some great performances and is definitely
one to watch.
Final Grade: A-
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